Welcome to Lomé
Lomé is the capital city and largest city of Togo. Located on the Gulf of Guinea, Lomé is the country’s administrative and industrial center, which includes an oil refinery, and its chief port. Lomé is surrounded by a lagoon to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the south, the village of Bè to the east and the border of Aflao, Ghana to the west.
The Ewes founded the city and thereafter in the 19th century by German, British and African traders, therefore, becoming the capital of Togoland in 1897.
The city’s population grew rapidly in the second half of the 20th century. The city had approximately 30,000 inhabitants in 1950: by 1960 (the year Togo gained its independence from France) the population had reached 80,000, increasing to 200,000 by 1970.
Togo takes its name from the locality that currently uses the name of Togoville was on July 4 and 5, 1884 the traditional chief M’LAPA III and German diplomat, Dr Gustav NACHTIGAL, signed the German Protectorate Treaty.
In 1914, Togo’s borders stretched out across 90,500 squares Km. During the First World War, the country divided into separate territories: West Togo, covering 33,900 square km, under British rule; West Togo, covering 33,900 square km, under British rule; East Togo, with a surface area of 56,600 square km, placed under French mandate. Only the East part of the territory makes up the today’s Republic of Togo.
In addition, after gaining independence on April 27th, 1960 following periods of German and French rule, Togo is one of the few countries in the world whose capital, city Lomé, is a frontier town.
Bounded by Ghana in the west, Burkina-Faso in the north, and the Republic of Benin in the east, Togo is situated at latitude 6°-11° north and 0°-2° longitude east of the Greenwich meridian. It has the shape of a corridor with a length of 650 km, whose tip is no longer 60 km bordering the Atlantic sea. Consisting more of plains than high mountains and plateau which alternating with one another give the country a type of protection. Mount Agou is the highest mountain peak, reaching an altitude of 986 meters.

Woezon (in Ewe) meaning welcome, or greetings, is the first word you heard after arriving in Lome or coming back from a trip, or from work.
Ewe is the most spoken local language in Lomé, there are few others, but you can communicate in other local’s languages as well as French, English, German, and Spanish as they are taught in High school and university.
In addition, there are fifty Togolese dialects. But the official language largely spoken is French. Above all, many also speak English and some speak German. On the other hand, Kabye is the second main national language.
Most of the Togolese population possesses a diet based on fish rather than meat since fishing is a very old activity in Lomé. However, beef and goat meat as well as wild meat are also part of Togolese dishes without forgetting poultry.
Lomé offers well-cooked and various culinary specialties and it’s from there that Togo gets its good reputation as far as cooking is concerned along the coast of Guinea Gulf and in whole West-Africa.
DJENKOUME is made up of maize flour
FUFU is made up from Cassava or yam.
The thick and piquant sauce is served in Togolese meals. In addition, seafood is appreciated a lot as well as brochette (small kebabs), fritters, and fruits.
There are a vast majority of places to visit and activities to do in Lomé. For example, you can chill with friends on the coastal beaches with very beautiful fine sand and coconut trees. Here are some options:
The main Market (Assigame) – Assigame is the biggest market in Lomé. The two-store building occupies a whole block in the town, and you will find almost everything. Most importantly, women in traditional dress deal with the trade. The hum is mixed with the sound of recorded African music.
The fetish markets – You can find herbs’ products and traditional medicine bird’s feathers, animals’ skulls, animals’ skins, and all sorts of things which are supposed to have magic power are displayed on the counters as well as carved small figures. The latter has the power to protect individuals from a bad lot, and according to those selling them, their effectiveness is guaranteed. The fetish market offers also, excellent samples off Ewe figurines honoring the twins usually kept hidden by storekeepers. You can find here excellent souvenirs, but it is necessary to know how to bargain.
The national Museum – Lomé has a fascinating national museum. It is located within the conference hall near the independence square. This museum entirely air-conditioned is the ideal place to discover the Togolese culture within, well-lit shop widow narrates the local history and show excellent examples of the native art. You will find here magnificently painted cards and the past of TOGO is represented by old photos and drawings.
Other shop windows show musicals instruments, objects dating from thousand years, day pots, baskets decorated with shells and calabashes used to preserve food and water, wood carvings, clothes, decorated metals, tobacco pipes, and textiles are also exposed. It’s worth visiting.
The peace dove place – locally called “Colombe de la Paix” which is a monument dedicated to peace at the heart of the capital city.
Fetish market The peace dove place Assigame
Numerous sports are practiced in TOGO, so in Lomé among which, we can quote: Football, Basketball, Handball, Volleyball, Tennis, Karate and Athletism.
People generally practice sport on the omnisport playing ground of LOME, on the playing ground of University of Lomé, at the beach of Lomé and sometimes in the streets of the cities and villages of the country.
In Lome, young people like a lot of beach parties, music spectacles, radio programs, and TV shows. Some like Night Clubs and others enjoy a lot of arts, especially dramatic art.
The famous Togolese singer group is TOOFAN. Here is a glimpse of their songs.
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