Yamoussoukro usually pronounced “Yam-So-Kro” by Ivorians, is the political and administrative capital of Cote d’Ivoire, and an autonomous district of the country. On the other hand, Abidjan is considered the economical capital.
The name “Yamoussoukro” comes from the name of the Queen Yamoussou, the niece of Kouassi N’Go who ran the city N’Gokro in 1929 during the French colonization. The city is renamed in honor of the queen as “Kro ” means town in the local language “Baoule “.
Then, after independence, the first president Felix Houphouet Boigny of made an ambitious plan and started to build up the city.
One day in 1965, later called the Great Lesson of Yamoussoukro, he visited the plantations with the leaders of the county, inviting them to transpose to their own villages the efforts and agricultural achievements of the region. On 21 July 1977, Houphouët offered his plantations to the State. Later on, In March 1983, President Houphouët-Boigny made Yamoussoukro the political and administrative capital.
yak by night Yamoussoukro La basilique Notre dame de la paix
Located in the centre of Cote d’Ivoire, Yamoussoukro is a city lead by the Baoule tribes, originally from the Akan group who travel from Ghana to Ivory Coast during the Ashanti war. You will also find other tribes living there and doing of Yamoussoukro a multicultural city. This tribe has a particularity as they have their way to dress. For instance, They handmake traditional dress.

If you never heard about Ivorian food you might be lost in this article , but let us have a quick look of Ivorian specialities by keeping an eye on this part of the country.
– Attiéké made of cassava pulp. This side dish is considered as Ivorian couscous and can be eaten out with omelet or fried fish, chicken or baked chicken, and simply meat accompanied by sliced onions.
–Foutou Igname A yam foutou is an Ivorian dish, eaten especially among the Baoulés, in the Center, East, and North of Côte d’Ivoire1,2. It obtained by preparing a porridge of pounded yam. It can be accompanied by aubergine sauce.
The Basilica of Our Lady of Peace: in Yamoussoukro is the largest Catholic religious building in the world. Its appearance is reminiscent of Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Located in Yamoussoukro, capital of Côte d’Ivoire, its location was chosen by the country’s first president, Félix Houphouët-Boigny, in 1983. The Guinness Book of Records recognized it in 1989 as the most important Christian religious building: widest in the world (150 m wide compared to 115 m for Saint Peter’s Basilica). It is a fervent place of the Catholic faith in Africa.
The Parliament: house of Ivorian Deputies is one of the newest buildings in Yamoussoukro.
caiman lakes: this is a lake where you can see all caiman from the city. It was made by the first president and became a famous and tourist place.
Hotel President : one of the famous Hotel in Ivory Coast
La basilique Notre dame de la paix La basilique Notre dame de la paix parliament in Yamoussoukro Hotel President lacs au caiman Inside basilica
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