Having the chance to travel always make feel good but the most important is to have fun where you decide to travel to. I have chosen Split because a friend of mine is from that small city in Croatia. When I left Budapest to Split I did not know much about this city, the only things I knew were from my friends so I won’t say I have too high expectations, but I was happy to discover a new city and near to the sea.
My first impression was good when I saw the border, food, and people’s kindness. I have tested some local food and honestly, I really loved having fish and local beer. I would also mention this special restaurant FIFE in which I had a very great experience with Croatian food while listening to a band playing Croatian music style during the night.
Split visit in summer , Apricanomad Split visit in summer , Apricanomad Split visit in summer , Apricanomad Split visit in summer , Apricanomad Split visit in summer , Apricanomad Split visit in summer , Apricanomad
I would definitely recommend you to visit Split in Croatia.
This story is shared by Alfred Thomas
With Love ❤️